Blog Archive
All of the posts for Finding Yourself at 40 can be found here. This blog provides community and resources to help you navigate your midlife crisis.
Something Was Not Right I was waiting for a friend to show up for lunch and all of a sudden it hit me. The good news is that I got there about 15 minutes early so I had time to hit the restroom and drink...
The Pain We Carry Pain has a way of isolating us. We go through our days hiding it, keeping quiet about it, as though speaking it aloud might make it too real, too heavy to bear. But the truth is, we’re...
What does that voice in YOUR head say when you’re struggling with impostor syndrome or feeling like you’re not good enough to pursue your dream? Oddly enough, I hear, “You’re gonna do wonders…and eat rotten...
It’s been way too long since I’ve last posted. And if I’m honest, I feel ashamed of that. I set out to be consistent with this “blogging” thing but have since realized, it’s really hard to be consistent...
Expecting the worst to guard your heart against disappointment is the pessimist's mentality. It may keep you safe, but it takes courage to truly live.
An Easter weekend health scare transforms this pessimist by shifting focus to gratitude, presence, and a renewed appreciation for life’s blessings.
Blogging consistently is hard work. Because life is unpredictable, and is hard work. I started this blog at the beginning of the year with the goal of posting once a week. Here were are in March and this...
I’ve realized recently that my people-pleasing tendencies are directly tied to the difficulties I have with loving people well. For most of my life I’ve aimed to please people in order to keep the peace...
These 3 practical steps can transform your regrets from things you misunderstand and fear into engines for your progress.
Dan Pink says regret is a good thing and the better we understand the things we regret the most, the better we understand what we value the most!
Learning to like vegetables is a milestone for every kid, it seems. When I was young there weren’t many that I liked, but I absolutely hated green peas, specifically the canned, LeSueur peas. They’re the...
Life in your 40s can feel like a jungle, dense with uncertainty and fears, but also ripe with the potential for growth and transformation. You may be dealing with a job transition, aging parents, or finally...
In this fast-paced world, filled with constant changes and challenges, it is essential to take the time to reflect on our lives and find ways to renew ourselves. Reflection allows us to gain clarity and...
If you’re in your 40s, there’s a good chance you’re taking stock of your life, reflecting on your journey up to this point. You might be in the thick of raising teenagers or worrying...